Decenomy Editor

DECENOMY’S Dynamic Collateral feature is a game-changer for masternode operators

DECENOMY has introduced an innovative feature that empowers masternode owners to fine-tune collateral values in response to real-time metrics, network demands, and market dynamics. Launched in May 2023, “Dynamic Collateral” is a groundbreaking addition set to revolutionize the masternode landscape. Currently in development within the Decenomy Standard Wallet, a platform that fosters cross-chain compatibility and…

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A sneak peak into what a fully decentralized future may look like

Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are laying the foundations for potential major shifts in how economies function through increased decentralization. By distributing control from concentrated intermediaries to broader peer-to-peer networks, economic processes from finance to corporations could transform. While the idea of a fully decentralized fully is highly hypothetical and may seem like something from a…

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What is a Masternode?

In cryptocurrency networks, masternodes play a critical role in validating transactions and enabling key services through dedicated server infrastructure. Running a masternode requires non-trivial investments but provides financial rewards. This guide provides a detailed information about the Masternode concept and how it works. Masternode Basics A masternode is a type of full node server for…

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What is a Blockchain?

Blockchain definition and how DECENOMY uses this technology A blockchain is a technology that is revolutionizing the way we store and manage digital information. Initially introduced alongside Bitcoin, the blockchain concept has since evolved beyond financial transactions. True blockchain definition Imagine a record book that isn’t controlled by a single authority, but is distributed across…

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Hiring: Blockchain C++ Developer

We are seeking a highly skilled developer to join our team and help drive the development of our decentralized, trustless, and privacy-preserving payment network in the blockchain space. As a developer, you will be responsible for designing, prototyping, implementing, and testing new features for our full node software, as well as contributing to the next generation of protocol upgrades.

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